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Google Data Studio

Trust me, for beginners, you might be overwhelmed by all the amount of data shown in Google Analytics. To be frank, sometimes you just need a simple report with a chart, graph or pie to summarize the performance of your website.Check https://www.google.com/

Here's a free tool from Google called Google Data Studio that gives you everything you need to turn your analytics data into informative, easy-to-understand reports through data visualization.

Analytics has always been a challenge for digital marketing, however, Google Data Studio allows you to create customizable data visualization and report. Besides, you can even share with your clients - a huge plus especially if you are working in a big group.

Quick tip: You can check out Google Data Studio Gallery to duplicate their samples and modify them to your website. After that you will be able to change and edit the metric according to your needs. Quite amazing, right?

Google Search Console

Previously known as Google Webmaster Tools, now rebranded to Google Search Console, this free web service is designed for webmasters. It allows you to check the indexing status and optimize the visibility of your websites.

This tool is a MUST for Search Engine Optimization (SEO). The power to track your site's search performance is the most precious data to understand what the audiences want for your site.

Once the website is tracked by Google, you'll be able to view your organic search results right alongside the performance statistics for the organic search queries. This information helps you better understand how paid text ads and organic search results work together. If you analyze deeply enough, you'll find many opportunities to identify relevant search queries that have low organic traffic and target these keywords in Google AdWords. This will increase your overall traffic, tailored to the objective of your website.

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